Faith in Action Committee: The Faith in Action Committee oversees all the ways in which our congregation can serve the community and the world. It is an expression of our Christian caring for each other. The committee meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Fellowship of Prayer: Members of this fellowship are willing to pray regularly for the needs of others. Each week a prayer list is provided for distribution. You are asked to remember this list of people in your daily prayers.
Meals on Wheels Volunteer: Volunteers help to deliver a noon time meal to those in need.
P.A.L. Volunteer: The P.A.L (Provide-A-Lunch) is a program to provide a free meal on a daily basis to anyone who needs it. The meal is served by a different church each day. We have four teams that make and serve the lunch at the Hanover Area Council of Churches building on a rotating basis. You will be placed on one of those teams and serve once every twelve weeks. Volunteers must be available on a Friday morning for this ministry.
Shut In Visitor: These visitors are assigned one or more of our homebound members to visit on a monthly basis simply to bring love and concern from the congregation.
Men In Mission: The Men in Mission group is dedicated to grow our faith in God and to love others. From September through May we meet on the fourth Saturday of every month for breakfast at the Railside Restaurant here in Hanover at 9:00 am. We have a short business meeting, a program/speaker, or a short Bible Study. We also sponsor various programs to raise funds to help kids go to camp. We invite you to become involved and help us serve our congregation and community. Everyone is invited.